Ivesting Info Marketing Summit
Price : $497
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Sale Page : http://www.investinginfomarketingsummit.com/2015-speakers/
The #1 marketing & networking conference for financial marketers
The Investing Info-Marketing Summit brings together publishers and marketers in the trading and investment publishing industries to network, make deals, and share what’s working now. This is NOT a pitch-fest, each presentation is 100% content.
- Network with publishers, advertisers, copywriters, and more.
- See what’s working now to increase sales in financial
- Find joint ventures, affiliate partners, and traffic.
Missed the event? Get the Video Recordings of the
2015 Investing Info-Marketing Summit
and some of the networking opportunities too!
You may have missed the 2015 Investing Info-Marketing Summit but you don’t have to miss out on the information.
And you don’t even have to miss out on all of the networking opportunities.
Today you can get the recordings of the Summit, and as you can read below, you can also join in the ongoing networking I conduct with attendees of the Summit throughout the year.
The Investing Info-Marketing Summit is NOT a blah-blah-blah marketing conference.
It’s NOT a pitch-fest – in fact we have a rule that there was NO PITCHING from the stage. None.
This is NOT a place where you get those “sounds good on paper, but sucks in the real world” marketing tips being pushed by marketing gurus who’ve ONLY ever made money selling “how to make money in internet marketing” products.
The Investing Info-Marketing Summit is for hard-core entrepreneurs and marketers actually building businesses in the trading and investing education niche.
Hi my name is John Newtson. I’m a copywriter and marketer who has been around the block a time or two in this niche. I took a client from $0 in sales with no list to $6 million in sales in 12-months and $10 million in 24-months. And have written promotions for trading services that have sold as much as $10.5 million, and generated as much as $980,366 in sales from a tiny 5,000 name opt in list in less than 60-days.
My partner, Jami Stout is an affiliate manager who has driven well over $17 million in sales through affiliate traffic for a variety of publishers ranging from trader educators to Agora’s Palm Beach Letter to smaller start-ups.
She’s driven traffic for some of the biggest trading service launches in recent memory with multiple million-dollar launches under her belt. Jami & I had the idea for the Investing Info-Marketing Summit together because it was exactly the kind of conference we were looking to attend.
We were always on the lookout for new sales funnel ideas, new affiliates, new promotional ideas, new traffic sources, and new potential joint ventures. And so were all the entrepreneurs and marketers we knew who were actually working in the trading and investing niche.
We had the idea to pull all the different sides of the industry together in one place.
And it was electric.
The response to the first summit was over-the-top positive. And the 2015 Summit blew that one out of the water. You can see below that we brought together many of the leading marketers and publishers working in the investing and trading niche today to share what’s working best in their businesses.
These are not marketing gurus, these are the people in the trenches, the entrepreneurs, publishers, media buyers, affiliates, and copywriters who are responsible for building their businesses.
Ask yourself “What does my business need right now?” and chances are you’ll find that thing in one of the presentations below.
Scroll down and see for yourself.
How do you double your sales?Aaron Dehoog shares the exact 5 steps he used to boost Newsmax Financial’s average sale by 165%
Aaron DeHoog, until recently the Financial Publisher at Newsmax Media, is responsible for one of the biggest success stories in financial publishing in the last decade.
Over the last 5 years, Aaron and his team took a division with a paid circulation of 15,000 customers and grew it to 400,000.
Yes, 400,000 PAID CUSTOMERS.
In this presentation, Aaron will reveal the 5 steps he took to boost their revenue per order by 165%. You’re getting the benefit of his extensive marketing tests that resulted in an enormous increase in sales, revenue, and new customers.
For example, IF before implementing these 5-steps you average $49 a sale on your acquisition efforts then after watching this presentation you could be looking at $129.85 per sale.
Why do you want to increase your Average Sale Per Order?
It can turn your losing promotions into winners. IF you just spent $5,000 on an ad drop and only got $2,500 back in revenue then you lost money. But a 165% increase in the average sale boosts that $2,500 to $6,625!
Instantly turning a 50% LOSS into PROFITABLE WINNER.
That lets you get more customers because you can advertise more.
And it puts more than DOUBLE THE MONEY in the bank on your backend sales!
Aaron is presenting as a special favor to us. This is a practical, real-world, marketing insights that will put money in your pocket.
If you’re a publisher this information can transform your marketing overnight.
If you’re a copywriter or consultant this info will turn you into a marketing genius in your client’s eyes.
If you’re an affiliate this is info you’ll want to share with your partners so you’re getting the maximum commissions possible.
You can’t BUY this type of real-world test results in a book. Aaron is NOT an internet marketing guru who sells his information in $97 e-books. He’s head of a multi-million dollar publishing business that brings cutting edge information to his customers.
How do you find “Super Affiliates” capable of selling millions of dollars of your products? We asked Pyong Kim, a super affiliate responsible for over $100 million in affiliate sales
Pyong Kim is the guy you dream about finding when you go out looking for affiliates for your business
He has driven well over $100 million in sales as an affiliate for multiple industries, including Fortune 500 companies. He’s also worked with high level clients like Dan Kennedy, Brian Tracey, Brendon Burchard, Eben Pagan and a host of financial products.
Publishers lucky enough to have Pyong as an affiliate are often shocked by his results.
Jami Stout, co-founder of the Summit and a top financial affiliate manager said this about working with Pyong,
“At one point Pyong was driving so many sales I had to investigate his account to see if there was something wrong. I thought it HAD to be an error because he was selling so much more than all the other affiliates.
“But there was no mistake. Pyong was just doing his thing, which is sell more products as an affiliate then just about everyone else.”
One thing that sets Pyong apart as an affiliate is that he gets deeply involved with generating traffic and cutting ad costs to deliver profitable results. He runs traffic and ads to dozens of different niches and industries on a daily basis.
Pyong has agreed to share the secret behind how we drives traffic so successfully as to make sales as an affiliate.
Brad Hoppman:
How to buy or sell a financial publishing business, list, or website.
Do you know how much you can sell your trading or investing publishing business for? And to who?
Brad Hoppman does. He’s worked on valuing companies and deals with a wide variety of publishing companies on BOTH sides of the deal, as a buyer and a seller.
He just recently bought two financial publishing companies, including one making roughly $5 million year.
He’s helped put together deals involving publishers, private equity, and venture capitalists; he’s helped put together mergers, outright purchases, and other deals in this niche.
We’ve asked Brad to come talk about how to value your business.
- How to put a real number on your business. Are you worth $1 million or $5 million? Brad will lay out the simple process for figuring out what you’re business is worth to the people who are buying right now.
- Where and How to find REAL buyers for your business. Not sure who the specific people are who will buy companies like yours? Get a virtual tour of the who’s who of business buyers in financial publishing today from the other publishers, to private equity buyers, and more.PLUS, he’ll tell you which group PAYS THE MOST for businesses in this niche.
- How to value your business based on your current business model. Do you run a pure subscription and product sales business? An advertising business? Do you do both? Brad will show you how to value your business based on your model. And what to tweak in your model to get more money when you’re selling.
- Smart Ways to Structure Your Deals. There are a lot of ways to finance the buying and selling of a business. What’s best for you? Brad will walk you through how most deals in this space have been structured – including cash up front, revenue sharing, pay for performance deals and more.
Brad’s been around the block in this business.
Currently he is the President and Publisher of Weiss Research’s Uncommon Wisdom group. And he is one of the most experienced publisher’s in the industry today. Formerly he was Vice President at TheStreet.com (Where he was awarded best of the Web Financial Products), Director at Stansberry & Associates, and Director at TradeKing (Where he was awarded “Best Financial Advertising Campaign in 2007-2008 by The Financial Publisher’s Association).
If you want to sell your business now, or down the road, or you just want to simply understand what your business is worth, then this is a must-see presentation. Nobody else is talking about this critical phase of the business.
Since the Summit I’ve been contacted by several publishers interested in selling with potential buyers. The Summit is becoming the place to be if you want to buy or sell.
How (and where) to buy traffic in for investing and trading products without losing your shirt?
Last year Cory Bridgewater’s presentation was an eye-opener for many publishers – including the marketing directors from some of the largest publishers.
But the online traffic game is always changing.
So we asked him to come back and share where he’s finding the best traffic today. (Last year he shared that long term his #1 traffic source was Financial Media Corp’s ad network . As you know you’re getting free traffic from them when you attend the summit)
Cory knows more about getting traffic in the online investing and trading niche than almost anyone. He’s spent over $30 million buying advertising online for financial offers and sold many times that amount in investing and trading info-products.
One thing that always amazed us is how Cory’s been able to spend that money PROFITABLY on his acquisition efforts when so many publishers and marketers have to lose money to get a customer.
He’s going to show you how to make your advertising work, from how to optimize your ads for maximum response, to how to make a profit when you buy advertising.
Cory’s presentation will essentially give you $30 million worth of conversion research into what actually works to sell investing and trading info-products.
How Traders Reserve reduced refunds to UNDER 1% (and increased cash flow 166%)
Refunds. They can kill your business. I watched one client turn a multi-million dollar a year publishing company into a pile of debt-ridden rubble purely because he couldn’t control his refunds.
I’ve seen other financial publishers lose 40% to 50% of their sales to refunds.
But what if you could save almost all your refunds WITHOUT dropping your conversion rates?
That’s what John Hutchinson did.
When he pulled me aside at the last summit and told me he’d reduced his refunds to UNDER 1% I was all ears.
My first thought was, “Yea, but how bad are your chargebacks?” I knew several publishers who tried to reduce their refunds only to see their charge-backs spike so bad that their merchants froze their accounts.
In other words, I was VERY skeptical.
But then he told me,
“Charge-backs aren’t a problem. We get almost none. And we win 90% of the few that trickle in because I did something unusual: I went directly to Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and one of the leading merchant providers to find out what I needed to do if I wanted to win all my charge-backs and stop serial refunders.
“After several long and involved conversations I came up with a simple, straightforward process that virtually eliminated refunds from my business. Plus, because of this process we’re basically charge-back proof.
“Best of all this new model increased our cash-flow by 166% over the last twelve months.”
At the Summit John will show you step-by-step how he reduced refunds to less than 1% across the board (yes, that’s on his high ticket trading services too).
And effectively turn his GROSS SALES into NET SALES.
What John and his team have done is remarkable.
Think about what you’re refund rate is. Now calculate how much money in extra sales you would have – with no additional marketing – if you’d just kept most of that money.
This works on products at every price point – from low ticket products all the way up to the high-end products you sell for several thousand dollars.
“Mr. X.”:
How to use Public Relations
to double your sales (seriously)

Mr. X is one of the most experienced (and successful) marketers and entrepreneurs in the trading niche today.
Wait? You can sell using Public Relations?
Yes, you can sell using Public Relations. More specifically, you can sell trading and investing education products using Public Relations.
How do we know? Because “Mr. X” generates close to $10 million in sales a year primarily from traffic he gets using Public Relations.
According to Mr. X, “Smart publishers can double their sales if they know how to use PR.”
That’s why we asked him to come out to the Summit to share what he’s doing.
Imagine, a traffic source that powerful that almost no one in the industry is using at all.
And the few who do try to use are fairly ineffective at it.
He also unlocks one of the biggest problems in online marketing today: How to make money with social media.
Many marketers today who say things like “Social Media doesn’t work from a sales perspective” are actually ignorant of one simple, over-arching reality about social media:
Social media is the ultimate PR tool.
And if you want to make money in social media beyond simply using Facebook’s paid advertising platform you need to understand how to use public relations to generate qualified traffic.
And how to convert that traffic into paying customers
That’s what “Mr. X” showed us. He’s asked that we keep his name and face off the internet because he doesn’t want to reveal publicly how he’s using public relations to generate sales. He’s not a marketing guru, he’s a highly successful entrepreneur who is sharing what’s working best for his business right now.
Again, this isn’t theory, it’s real-world, practical, useable insights on how to create an entirely new stream of customers and traffic.
The largest performance based advertising network in financial reveals how to build your list faster and make more money from the list you have.
Cory Bridgewater (one of the top media buyers in the finanical niche today) revealed last year that, in all his years of spending well over $30 million buying advertising in the financial niche, Financial Media Corp was his #1 performing traffic source.
They’re the LARGEST performance based traffic network in financial today. And they’re growing at a blistering pace because of how well their traffic works for advertisers like us.
And because Financial Media Corp is a performance based ad network they see more email marketing tests in our niche then anyone.
They know what’s working best at any given time.
Morgan Busby agreed to come out and open up his bag of tricks and reveal the stuff most marketers would never share.
He shared how to make an extra $102,000 per year with a 20k email list, including:
- What the top performing advertisers in financial do that lesser marketers don’t bother trying.
- How to buy media, traffic, and customers in the financial vertical.
- Smart ways to build your mail list in the financial niche.
- Outside the box ways to monetize your list and add additional streams of income to your business.
- How to trade old leads in for new fresher prospects
- PLUS, he shows some of the top-performing email creative in the trading and investing space today.
And more.
Considering email marketing is the #1 way sales are generated in this niche any one of these tips could literally transform your business over night.
How do you craft million dollar sales messages in financial? Tony shares his copy approach that produced 6 $1 million+ direct mail promotions in the past year
Tony Flores has analyzed more winning investment related promotions then anyone else on the planet.
He is one of the few copywriters in financial today who can say he’s written over six recent promotions that have generated over $1 million in sales in DIRECT MAIL
His copy extensive analysis of the structure, techniques, and elements of a winning promotion was so good that hundreds of working copywriters paid big bucks to get it every month.
He ended up creating an industry-leading copywriting course with top financial copywriter Clayton Makepeace.
Then Tony went on to show he could walk the walk, not just talk the talk. He’s written a string of big winners for different financial publishers.
For the first time ever Tony agreed to come out and present the secrets to how to develop a big idea for your promotions based not on theory but on what’s ACTUALLY worked in copy to sell trading and investing products.
James Altucher shared what it really takes to succeed online today.
James Altucher is a successful entrepreneur, investor, board member, and the writer of 11 books including the recent WSJ Bestseller, “Choose Yourself!” (foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter).
He has started and sold several companies for eight figure exits. He’s on the board of a billion revenue company, has written for The Financial Times, The New York Observer, and over a dozen popular websites for the past 15 years. He’s run several hedge funds, venture capital funds, and is a successful angel investor in technology, energy, and biotech.
How to use Joint Ventures to add millions in sales to your business in the next 12-months
Joint ventures are one of the fastest shortcuts to making more money, faster online.
Affiliate marketing, white labeling products, group ad buying, traffic collaboration, or other strategic alliances these are the opportunities the Investing Info-Marketing Summit was designed to help you find.
In this introductory presentation at the Summit I go over the basics – but more importantly I give you a way to actually connect with potential JV partners.
Publishers and marketers who attended the Summit know that I spend a lot of time making direct connections and introductions to help them make the business connections that can help them grow their businesses the fastest.
And today, I’m going to extend that same opportunity to marketers who invest in the recordings of the 2015 Investing Info-Marketing Summit.
I’ll send you my Joint Venture Deal Sheet and help connect you with the potential JV partners you’re looking for
The networking was one of the biggest opportunities we created at the Investing Info-Marketing Summit and if you missed the event you don’t have to miss out on all the networking.
Because I continue to make introductions between marketers and publishers, help attendees find JV partners, list swap partners, white label opportunities, and more.
And when you order the recordings of the 2015 Investing Info-Marketing Summit then you’re in the fold of publishers and marketers in this niche. So I will send you my Joint Venture DealSheet, once you fill it out you can email it back to me and Jamie and I will help you make the connections that offer your business the most potential.
Plus, as a special bonus get the Financial Publisher’s Email Swap Directory
It includes over 35+ financial publisher’s representing a list universe of well over 5 million prospects
who are interested in cross-promotions with other publishers.
Last year we built a giant directory of every financial publisher we could find with email lists who are willing to do ad swaps with other publishers.
We’ve been adding to it.
And every one who attends the Summit gets it. You’ll find lists like,
- A 200,000+ email list of investors interested in gold and resource investing. And has shown to respond well to both low-price and high-price offers for investment products.
- A 45,000+ email list with average open rates of 18%. This list is composed of energy professionals, investors, traders, and analysts.
- A 70,000 name list of active traders interested in trading education.
- A 45,000 email list of active traders signed up for information about trading options, stocks, forex, and futures.
- A 100,0
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