(52 Weekly challenges to keep your clients engaged, focused, & challenged)
Probiotics Challenge:
Probiotics are microorganisms that live in our gut and are related either directly or indirectly to pretty much every function in our body… especially digestion.
But the idea that such tiny bacteria can influence how we feel, think and protect our health is pretty hard to comprehend.
Recently, our gut has been called our “second brain” because of how strongly it can impact our mood and wellbeing.
In fact, an imbalance in gut bacteria has been linked to depression, anxiety, and even certain mental illnesses.
Bacteria outnumber the cells in our bodies by 10 to 1… so it’s really important to keep a healthy balance between the good bacteria and the bad ones.
Probiotics (the good bacteria) have a TON of benefits including:
– Strengthening your immune system
– Improving your digestion and nutrient absorption
– Increasing your energy levels
– Improving your skin
– Maintaining an optimal metabolism and aiding in weight loss
If you’re not eating fermented food on a regular basis, then it’s important to supplement with a good quality probiotic.
Foods like: kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, raw cheeses, and even apple cider vinegar pack a probiotic punch.
This week, I’m challenging you eat to probiotic-rich foods at least 3 times this week!
Are you in for the challenge? Do you already take probiotics? Share with us in the comments below!
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