- Topic Areas:
- Workshop
- Category:
- Couples Conference | Couples Conference 2004
- Faculty:
- Terry Real, LICSW
- Duration:
- 1:48:39
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date :
- Mar 27, 2004
It is said that men are afraid of intimacy. Love-avoidant men don’t know what intimacy is; what they fear is subjugation – being drained, used, entrapped. These men most often have histories of enmeshment with either one or both parents. That enmeshment can be positive (e.g. the caretaker} or negative (e.g. the scapegoat), but it always leaves the person with both shame and grandiosity. This workshop will introduce the techniques of teaching such men that the art of surrender requires confrontation, education, trauma work, the restoration of boundaries and the healing of both sides of the self-esteem disorder – shame and grandiosity.
Educational Objectives:
- To describe the trauma that sets up love-avoidance.
- To name the originator of the love-avoidant treatment framework.
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
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