Becky Keen – The Collective
Hey there gorgeous wild women, who doesn’t fit into any of the traditional boxes society created.
The majority of the online world has told you that your business needs to be a certain way.
That you should have a plan and build a pretty funnel and have millions of freebies and that there’s a certain way it all needs to be.
You’ve been told that it takes a long time to build and nurture an audience and that making sales is hard and that you should probably remortgage your house in order to invest in yourself.
You’ve been taught marketing strategies that were based off how old white men sell cars to people who can’t think for themselves and you keep wondering, hoping, praying that there’s a better way.
An easier way.
Maybe a more feminine, intuitive way?
A way that feels fun, freeing and flowy. (Imagine!)
Where you not only get to have a business where sales roll in everyday, but it comes from a place of ease.
Where you focus on showing up as your best self, in your power, connected to your fire, fully tapped into the source energy and because of that, the money and sales flow.
When you no longer subscribe to the conditioning that tells you to fit inside a box and you instead tap into a room of powerful, loving, creative women all making the unrealistic become realistic…
Everything feels lighter. More joyful. You laugh more. You have more energy. You find selling as easy as breathing. You create offers from inspiration instead of force.
And the sales roll in organically because you’re bringing more of yourself to the table, not less.
My clients sell multi-five packages easefully and effortlessly and it’s not because they have something you don’t.
It’s not because they’re a better coach than you or have been coaching longer or because they know people with money or even because they have a hot audience waiting to buy.
It’s because when they stepped into my world, they signed up for coaching that wasn’t about implementing a cookie-cutter strategy.
They signed up for coaching that would unlock, unblock and release outdated conditioning that was keeping them small, and they tapped into a powerful AF version of themselves that knows no limits.
When you come into my world you….
- Become who you need to be to make more money than ever
- Get paid what your work is worth
- Tap into self-belief and personal power which ripples across all areas of your life & business
- Sell unapologetically in a way that feels good for you, and because of that, attract dream clients every single day
- Know exactly who your work is for and speak directly to them, filling your 1-many offers and signing premium clients easily
- Let go of the how and you become so focussed on the what, that the how appears
- Shift your mindset to normalize multi-6-figures and 7-figures and it becomes more than a dream, but it becomes your real life
The Magnetic Collective is a 4-month transformational accelerator for powerhouse women who want a business that lights you the fuck up, commands top dollar from dream clients who love to pay-in-full, and gives you the freedom to travel or surf or write your book or watch way too much Love is Blind.
The Magnetic Collective is a place for women to connect, to heal as you grow and take action, to tap into your unique blueprint of brilliance, to let go of outdated conditioning that no longer serves you, and to release strategies that feel boring or heavy and #justnotaligned.
It’s for coaches, consultants, creative and service providers who want to build a sustainable, sexy, and scalable business from a place of flow and not force. One that creates wild abundance and profitability at a level you’re afraid to even speak out loud right now.
With twice monthly hot-seat call, you’ll get direct access to me and my input on your next move or coaching on your blocks, while our quarterly virtual retreats will give you the opportunity to connect with each other and dive deep into themes that will help you grow your business—feminine based strategy, attraction based marketing, invitation based sales, irresistible offers, getting visible and the energetics of money.
This isn’t a cookie-cutter business growth program.
❌ I’m not going to give you a blueprint or 50 hours of course modules to watch.
❌ I will not teach you a 5-step strategy or tell you exactly what steps you need to follow and if that’s what you desire, please don’t join.
Because you’re unique.
And what works for Sally is different than what works Bobbie and this is the beauty.
This is the magic.
This is when the soul of your business comes alive and dream clients slide into your DMs because they loved your post and yes they want to pay in full, and you no longer attract tire kickers and you instead attract dream chasers who are shopping for your exact offer.
In order for this to happen, you have to say yes to yourself, to release the stories that have kept you small, to be willing to lean in and let your hair down and have some fucking fun while you rise straight to the top .
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