Chris Orzechowski – One Person Agency
Become a high-ticket email marketing manager who charges agency fees (without hiring a single team member)
Once you complete the One Person Agency program, you’ll be awarded a certification badge you can use on your website or LinkedIn profile to showcase your expertise.
Wanna know what it’s really like going through OPA?
There’s a lot of communication and it’s very focused. There’s not a lot of tangents. Not a lot of side side quests or anything like that. It’s like, ‘This is the homework, this is the call. Go and apply.’ If you’re not actually applying this stuff in the program, you’re gonna get nothing out of it.
When I started with that $12K project, I was like, ‘I’m just gonna go for it and see what happens.’ If you bring that mentality into the program, you’re gonna get something out of it. Whether that’s one project, two projects, whatever it may be
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