Creator Hooks – YouTube Title Mastery
Creator Hooks – YouTube Title Mastery
Write Better YouTube Titles In 3 Weeks
Join a small group of serious YouTube creators looking to
master writing titles for their videos.
YouTube Title Mastery is a small group coaching course that will help you:
• Come up with better video ideas and write the perfect title for them so you can grow your channel.
• Understand the psychology behind what makes people click on your videos so you can write better titles forever.
• Get live feedback from me on your YouTube titles so you can stop worrying if your title is good or not.
YouTube Title Mastery Is For You If…
- You’re sick of your videos not getting as many views as they deserve
- You’re tired of wasting time trying to write the perfect title
- You’re scrambling to write a decent title just before publishing your video
- You have an educational or edutainment channel and you’re serious about growing it
Get Live Feedback On Your Titles
You probably understand the basics of how to write a good YouTube title.
But when you actually write it, it just doesn’t seem right.
And unfortunately, your YouTube stats reflect that.
That’s why it’s so important to get feedback on your titles.
In YouTube Title Mastery, you’ll learn the theory behind what makes a good title, write one based on that theory, then get feedback on it right away.
Plus, spots are limited to only 30 people, so you don’t need to be intimidated by a big group or worry about not being heard.
Avoid The 4 Common YouTube Title Mistakes
People write to me all the time, “I know my titles are good… why am I not getting very many views?”
Here’s the bad news for them: their titles actually aren’t very good.
And what’s worse is that they don’t even realize it, so they don’t try to improve them.
In YouTube Title Mastery you’ll learn about the 4 most common YouTube title mistakes are and how to avoid them.
Meet Other YouTube Creators Like You
If you’re in YouTube Title Mastery that means a few things:
1. You’re serious about growing your YouTube channel
2. You’ve had some level success on your channel before (this isn’t a course for newbies)
3. You have an educational YouTube channel
And because we’re all similar, we’ll be able to help each other grow our channels and our businesses, we’ll all get along, and there’s a pretty good chance you’ll walk out of here with some new friends.
Meet Your YouTube Title Instructor
Hey, I’m Jake Thomas
A few years ago I landed my first job as a YouTube channel manager. But there was one problem: I sucked at writing titles.
I almost got fired for it, until something finally clicked. I learned that you can shortcut your way to a great title by modeling other successful videos.
Once I figured that out, I quickly learned what actually makes a great title and how to write them quickly.
While I was at that channel our subscribers 3X’d and (more importantly) our revenue 4X’d.
Since then, my titles have generated 10,000,000+ views for myself and my clients.
Because I’m not naturally a great title writer, I had to teach myself, and that makes it a lot easier to teach other people, like you, how to write great titles.
Hope to see you inside YouTube Title Mastery!
Will YouTube Title Mastery Work For My Niche?
YouTube Title Mastery is for educational channels that are making videos for humans.
Does that sound like you?
Then this will work.
You’re not going to learn about current trends that are working now, but won’t work next month.
This workshop is all about the psychology of what gets people’s attention and makes them click, and how to put that into a gripping YouTube title.
And it’s about learning an evergreen system to learn what your audience wants so you can find the best topics that make them click immediately and stay for the whole video.
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