David Michaels – When A Man Makes Love To A Woman
I have written “When A Man Makes Love To A Woman” essentially for men and woman who want to experience more to sex than they ever have, and gain a better understanding of themselves, their lovers and their sexua lity. Because one’s sexuality is dependent greatly on the synergism of relationships, attitude, environment, spiritual beliefs, and preconceptions, I have addressed these subjects for your benefit. It is my strong belief that just knowing how to have better sex is not enough to enable one to have better sex. Sex is much more than great methods. It is first having a healthy relationship with yourself, your lover and life. The “methods” in this book will be “the icing on the cake“. I hope you find the material applicable and enjoyable as you read the book from front to back or use the table of contents as a reference.
The entire book may be considered entirely subjective. I have written it for the husband and wife, and since your spouse is your lover I will use the word “lover” in-place of spouse as it should help the flow of reading.
Some of the sexual techniques and methods in this book are very powerful and could be damaging to yourself or your lover if used abusively or by one with an unstable mind. How could it be damaging? I will later teach men several methods that should enable them to have sex for as long as they want therefore, they could physically or emotionally damage their lover without proper lubrication and love. As you learn and try the methods and techniques contained in this book, keep in mind that communication with your lover is very crucial to enhancing your sex life together.
About Author:
David Michaels is a psychologist, sexologist and author, specializing in research into sexual identity and biology of gender. David Michaels is respected as an expert on sexual behavior, especially for allegedly demonstrating that gender was learned rather than innate.
David Michaels is also personal sexuality education consultant. As such, David Michaels work with couples and individuals to address their sexuality and intimacy interests, concerns, and goals. This process is designed for those who desire to advance their sexual knowledge and skills.
Is highly individualized and provides a comfortable environment for exploring thought-patterns and judgments which may be interfering with sexual fulfillment. Is an avenue to enhancing sexual competency through technique-based exercises. Focuses on the present and works toward the future using a goal-oriented model.
Melissa is a Board Certified Sexuality Educator through The American College of Sexologists.
David Michaels is a trained professional sexologist with undergraduate studies in marriage and family life, a masters in womens studies, and a doctorate in sexology.
As a clinical sexologist, David Michaels specializes in personally helping her clients improve their relationships by enhancing their sexuality and overcoming intimacy challenges.
David Michaels is an active professional member of the following organizations.
– American Counseling Association
– International Coach Federation
– American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT)
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