Doberman Dan – Just Sell The Damn Thing + Millionaire Webinar Template Upsell
Dear Friend,
If you’re marketing anything online… what you’re about to discover in this brief message is CRUCIAL to your success.
But first, I’m about to reveal something alarming.
Something that… if you don’t know it… could cause your entire business to crash and burn… and launch you onto the fast track to bankruptcy.
And… I’d bet all the tea in China that you DON’T know about this sea change in the online marketing world.
It’s gonna shock ALL online marketers… ‘cuz I’m killing one of their sacred cows.
And frankly it’s LONG past time to put that wretched thang outta its misery.
Because this popular online marketing model is a rotting, smelly, walking-dead zombie… and I have no idea why so many LMMs (lesser mortal marketers) keep using it.
This now obsolete strategy is the very REASON why most people can’t get online marketing to work these days.
Even though all the self anointed gurus… hawking their make money “flopportunities”… have told you that it’s the best way to get customers online.
After more than three decades as a serial “bootstrap” entrepreneur… almost a quarter of a century as a direct response marketer and “A list” copywriter… and having started my first online business all the way back in the wild, wild West days of the Internet in 1996… I can tell you this:
What you’ve been told is the number one best way to build your business online…
Couldn’t Be FURTHER From The Truth!
If you’re using this popular but outdated marketing model – which most likely means you’re FAILING with it – I’m going to show you a MUCH more efficient and effective approach in my new book, Just Sell The Damn Thing.
What I’m revealing in this book are the most important strategies and tactics online marketers need now more than ever. Because almost EVERYBODY is pissing away their money and time on what are now outdated and completely ineffective online marketing models and methods.
Sure, they worked at one time… from 1996 to about 2010. But these days, even the best of the best marketers with the deepest pockets in the WORLD (like Agora) can’t make those methods work anymore.
So if lil’ ole YOU think you can make it work… then I’m here to tell ya… you’re soon gonna be in…
A Whole Wide World Of Whale Sized Worry!
‘Cuz going bankrupt and losing your business sucks… out loud. (And that’s the most likely outcome if you’re following this outdated model.)
Listen, I know from personal experience that going bankrupt and losing your business sucks. It happened to me four different times… before I became privy to the secrets you’re about to discover in this new book.
And I don’t want all that misery and humiliation to happen to you.
And now that won’t be your story.
Because after you get your own copy of this new book… while other LMMs (lesser mortal marketers) not privy to this information are struggling like hell to get any customers at all… unless they pay insanely high CPAs (cost per acquisition)…
YOU will be enjoying the most effective and efficient marketing strategy working today to…
Grow Your Business As Quickly…And As Simply… As Possible!
You see, in spite of what some people have led you to believe, marketing online is pretty simple. I’ve proven that with all my businesses… and those of the few clients I work with.
In my new book, I cut out all the fluff and make the entire process as simple as possible. (I barely graduated from Barberton High School in Ohio… so it HAS to be simple for a guy like me.)
JSTDT™ is my proprietary marketing system. It’s the exact same process I’ve used the past two decades to live a lifestyle better than most Fortune 500 CEOs… while only working a fraction of the time compared to most entrepreneurs.
It’s also the very same system I’ve used to get paid as much as $2.3 million from one single ad.
JSTDT™ stands for “Just Sell The Damn Thing™“… and…
Here’s What It’s All About…
Do you have the time and patience to spends months or years of your life creating content to “build a relationship” with people who have never bought anything from you?
People who come to you with their hand out, asking you to give them free stuff?
Expecting you to hand over your hard earned knowledge, experience and intellectual property in exchange for nothing.
Even worse, do you want to attract all the people who believe they’re entitled to it?
If that’s the model you’ve been following, I hope you have a sizeable stash of cash. Because that approach requires a LOT of money. And a lot of time slaving away and waiting… waiting… waiting… until you FINALLY make a little money. (If you ever make any money).
One of my clients, Agora – one of the best direct marketers in the world, earning more than $1 BILLION a year in sales – told me that even they don’t have enough cash to make that model work anymore.
Sure, it worked for them in the past.
But, it required millions of dollars in advertising, paying enormous CPAs (cost per acquisition) and 12 months without making any money from each new customer.
That’s why they abandoned that old outdated model back in 2010.
And if it isn’t working for a big behemoth 800 lb. gorilla like them, what makes you think it will work for you?
Here’s the bottom line:
You Need More Customers And More Business NOW… Not Later, Right?
Then there’s no need to screw around with all those complicated, convoluted and confusing multistep funnels…
1,001 question surveys…
7,007-step “if/then” auto responder sequences…
Content marketing… writing blog posts for months or years on end without even one single sale to show for all your blood sweat and tears…
Social media…
Writing and posting articles…
Search engine optimization…
YouTube videos…
And all the other things you’ve tried that have probably never worked for you.
If you want to make money and get new customers RIGHT NOW… you simply need to…
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