Duality – Jeffrey Allen
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Discover How To Tap Into Your Energy To Get Answers, Heal Yourself, Attract Synchronicities, Raise Your Vibration… And Make An Impact On The world
Join The Healer’s Healer Jeffrey Allen In This Program That Guides You Through The Most Amazingly Effective Energy Secrets To Rapidly Overcome Blocks In Your Everyday Life
This program is for people who understand that they are more than just physical body, that there is a conscious energetic part to themselves — a part of us that our schooling system never taught us how to use.
Duality teaches you to use the energetic side of your dual body to function better in this world. It leads to greater health, increase in your spiritual skills, higher levels of awareness and the ability to thus function more efficiently in the world.
Imagine living your life with one arm, tied behind your back, functioning as a one handed man in the world. Imagine if your second arm was suddenly released. This is how it feels like when your start to learn to use your energy body which our society has taught us to suppress for so long.
Everywhere you go, you’re interacting with an invisible world.
Look around you now:
Even though you can’t see them, you’re surrounded by invisible radio waves… television programs being beamed right through you… cell phone waves… wifi… electromagnetic forces… and more.
You know these invisible waves are real — otherwise you wouldn’t be able to watch TV, surf the internet, or listen to the radio.
You live in an invisible world of energy.
But did you know…
Jeffrey Allen
You Have A Visible Side… And An Invisible Side
If you’re like most of us in the Western world, you identify more with the picture on the left. But the picture on the right is very real too.
It’s a photo of an aura — an energetic field which can be captured using a method called Kirlian Photography.
In fact, everyone has an aura, even though most people have no clue it exists. And this photo provides evidence that there are TWO of you:
A physical you… and an energetic you. But there’s a problem:
Take a look at these pictures. Which seems the most “real” to you?
Most People Ignore Their Energetic Side
Here in the west, we’ve become totally focused on looking after our physical bodies. Many of us watch what we eat… we exercise to keep fit… and we shower and brush our teeth to make sure our physical body functions at its best.
But most people don’t spend nearly enough time looking after their energetic side. It’s probably because our energetic selves are invisible — like wifi and radio waves — so we don’t give them much attention.
But as you’ll discover, this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Simply because…
Everything Is Energy
Most people aren’t aware of this, but science has proven that everything in our universe is made of the same energy.
From the screen you’re looking at now, to the ocean and the trees, to the stars in the sky and the bed you sleep on at night — even your body — it’s all made of exactly the same stuff… Energy!
And naturally, because we’re made of energy… we give off energy too.
In fact, energy is literally pulsing through your body right now as you read these words — it’s shooting through so-called meridian lines in your body (the basis of acupuncture) and is swirling in vortices at the center of your being (your chakras).
Sometimes this energy is positive.
But often, it’s negative and self-destructive… causing our life to zig when we want it to zag. Which brings us to the next point.
The #1 Reason Why People Fail
When someone doesn’t succeed in life — when they struggle to attract money, or have a long-term loving relationship, or experience deep happiness — it’s often because they are not in-tune with their energy body.
For example, we know that more than half of marriages end in divorce.
Yet, with a deeper understanding of our energy, we benefit from greater expressions of love, empathy and forgiveness… avoid relationship-straining states like depression and anger… and, yes, enjoy more mind-blowing sex.
The same goes for money.
Many of us struggle to create the income we choose. So we stay in jobs that don’t fulfill us or worry that we don’t deserve to make more money.
But when you tune into your energy — and clear away any limiting blocks — you’ll discover that you can enjoy a life filled to the brim with abundance, passion and success.
Your intuition will go sky-high, you’ll be guided to profitable opportunities and you’ll trust yourself to make the right choice every time.
The Energetic System That Redefined Living An Extraordinary Life
Contrary to what we’re told, living an extraordinary life doesn’t need a big fat bank account, or a social background you’re proud of or high scores in your college GPA score…
The only reason you’re not living an extraordinary life is because you haven’t figured out how to ACTIVATE — and TAP into — your energetic side.
Which means the only reason you’re stuck where you are is because you’re dealing with blocked and dormant energy… which you haven’t yet learned how to release.
But it doesn’t have to be this way anymore…
- You can walk a different path — a path of energy and vitality, of inner balance and harmony.
- You can learn how to quickly open to your intuition and spiritual gifts.
- You can experience a life guided by synchronicity and meaningful coincidences that lead you to everything you want.
- You can enjoy a life filled to the brim with love, abundance, joy, and fun.
- And you really can manifest your soulmate, health, wealth — and whatever else your heart earnestly desires.
Introducing Duality: The Ultimate Energy Mastery Blueprint For A Truly Extraordinary Life
We’d like to invite you to a journey into the world of Energy, your personal energy. The feedback we received for this program has made Jeffrey Allen one of the highest rated authors at Mindvalley. You will be astounded by the depth of Jeffrey’s wisdom as well as the way he communicates it to you.
Duality is packed with tools that you can instantly use to improve every area of your life. Their uses range from eliminating energy blocks to discovering your internal compass to communicating energetically and so much more. In 8 weeks, you’ll learn the truth behind universal energy — you’ll not only understand but also discover that it’s easy to manipulate it.
You’ll be startled to find that you no longer have to go from A to B to C, instead, you can go straight from A to C. For the first time, you’ll be able to see the real energy of you.
Six Things That Make Duality Unique
Mindvalley’s new Quest Learning system, launched in November 2016 has so far doubled student completion and engagement rates. Here’s what makes it unique.
1. In-Depth Home Study Course For Energy Work
For Jeffrey Allen, the #1 question he received from his students about mastering Energy Work was this: “Is there a single course or seminar that I can dive into so we can do all the amazing things that you are doing… almost overnight?” Duality was created as an answer to that. Jeffrey looked at everything he’s discovered over the past 17 years prior to it, and made it into ONE amazing course.
2. Powerful Energy Tools You’ll Never Find Elsewhere
The tools you’re going to learn in Duality comes from Jeffrey’s personal experience of living aligned to his energy and taking action in the physical world by following his energetic guidance. Which means that you don’t merely get concepts – you get real-world tools that you can immediately apply to see results. Let your experience be the real teacher.
3. Jeffrey Allen’s Teaching Bridges Logic And Emotion
As an engineer, Jeffrey Allen was trained to think logically. So obviously, he’s applied that same engineer’s mind to studying and teaching energy principles. Which means that he not only teaches his framework, but he also gives you a logical explanation so you can thoroughly be convinced of the logic behind it. No more lingering doubts.
4. Become An Intermediate-Level Practitioner In 8 Weeks
Sure, Jeffrey has spent over 15 years to master these principles. But he doesn’t advise his students to do the same. Instead, he believes that he’s managed to separate the wheat from the chaff and give you the best tools that you can use to hit the ground running in as little as 8 weeks. Energy mastery doesn’t get simpler than that.
5. Pre-Recorded Q&A To Plug The Gaps In Your Learning
During the course of the first and second Duality LIVE course, Jeffrey also conducted a series of 17 Q&A sessions for plugging the gaps in the students’ understanding. You get the recordings of all 17 sessions along with the main 8-week Duality training. We’re sure, right now, you may be having many of the questions contained in those 17 sessions. So listening to it alone can be an enlightening experience.
6. Access To An Exclusive Duality Community
To make your learning last a lifetime, you’re getting lifetime access to a private Duality Facebook group where Jeffrey and thousands of Duality graduates hang out. They are there to help you, share their experiences as they go through the course with you and occasionally introduce new tools and resources for taking your energy practice to the next level.
Instructor Profile
From Engineer to Spiritual Teacher
A decade ago, Jeffrey was living what we in the west would call a ‘successful’ life as a software engineer with a great job, six-figure salary, big house, and all the toys he desired. Yet, external success came with a price… a constant nagging that he wasn’t fulfilling his true purpose. Few people knew Jeffrey’s true passion for helping others through energy healing, teaching & intuition. For 15 years, he had apprenticed with with leading psychics, healers, and mediums in the United States. He quietly served on the board of directors for a spiritual development center, yet he worried his passion was too “out there” and could damage his professional career.
Through a remarkable set of coincidences in 2005, Jeffrey found himself teaching graduate spiritual studies in Uganda, Africa to a talented group of advanced students. Fearing his students would find out he was “an engineer pretending to be a spiritual teacher”, it was Jeffrey who discovered he was “a spiritual teacher pretending to be an engineer”. This experience gave Jeffrey the courage to step out of hiding and into the spotlight.
Jeffrey left his successful engineering life and moved to Sedona, AZ to began his full-time career as a professional intuitive, energy healer, and spiritual teacher. Clients saw such remarkable results with Jeffrey, he was dubbed the local “Healer’s Healer”. In the decade since, Jeffrey’s success spread globally. He’s counseled thousand of private clients, taught hundreds of live workshops around the world (US, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, Switzerland, Croatia, Greece, and Japan), and reached 100,000s of students through online spiritual training.
Jeffrey’s mission is to upgrade global consciousness by healing, educating, and activating one student at a time!
Jeffrey leading a meditation at A-Fest Greece
Just moments before he got a standing ovation.
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