Frederick E Dodson – Reality Creation Membership
You are joining a growing number Reality Creators on their quest for an enlightened civilization. I look forward to meeting and interacting with you in this amazing Community. I created the Membership Section to reward those most eager to expand their consciousness. In improving yourself you contribute to the overall situation of the world. We need many more of you! My high-standard readers and students have pushed me to create ever improving products and it is to them that I owe my creativity.
I cherish the last 25 years in which I have gone through highs and lows with my students, sighed in frustration and jumped in excitement over their successes. What drives me to do this work every day is the expression of relief, the tears of joy and the leaps of courage and faith I see students take. Everything I have learned, I have learned from the Community of Reality Creators that are willing to grow, take risks, question everything, dig deep, search high and low for solutions and breakthroughs. I have witnessed many fundamental changes in peoples realities, in their financial situation, their health, their relationships, their knowledge. It is for these precious people that I create these materials.
It is my intention that your membership will be the most beneficial thing you did to improve your overall situation in the game of life. So come on in and enjoy the new heights!
“In school you were taught to repeat what authority tells you. The conditioning carries over into adulthood, unless you take conscious control of the mind. Then, you start creating your reality”
– Frederick Dodson

Success Coach Frederick Dodson helps you SEE things you were unaware of and inspires you to THINK and DO things that are aligned with your life goals and purpose. You are unique, one size does not fit all and what you require for raising your consciousness level, ability, energy and achievement is triggered by a Coach who is exclusively dedicated to your success.
I am Frederick Dodson and coach people in Success and Levels of Consciousness. I have authored 28 books in 7 Languages, conducted more than 5000 seminars for private persons and companies around the World. I have the immutable intention that all people I coach are elevated to higher levels. Your experience of life is governed by your own awareness and attention. Directing attention in congruence with your true hearts desire is called reality creation. This way of approaching life is rare. I thus offer training for all price-ranges. There are many articles on this website available for free. But as reading about swimming does not teach you swimming, coaching provides more rapid advancement.
Reality Creation Membership by Frederick E Dodson – what is it included: ( Content proof: Watch here! )
1. Member Videos
2. Member Streaming
3. Member Download
4. Being Authentic
5. Reality Creation For Weight Loss
6. The Enlightenment Technique
7. Attention Training
8. The Emotional Clearing Course
9. The Reality Scaling course
10. Advanced Energy Clearing Course
11. Recorded Webinars
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