“Do You Want To Know Secrets That Can Get The HOTTEST Dancer Out Of The Club And Into Your Bed In No Time Flat?”Without Having To Spend One Red Cent To Do It?(Trust Me, This Is Stuff Strip Club Owners Around The World DO NOT Want You To Know!) | |
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Dear Fellow Stripper-Lover, First off, I need to make something VERY clear. There are people who DO NOT want this information made public (BESIDES Strippers). I’ve uncovered a fool-proof method for picking up strippers and exotic dancers that’s so effective, it SHOULD be illegal. But because this method is so effective, the strip club owners (and the dancers themselves) have made every effort possible to keep this information from you (and for good reason, the more people that find out about this.. the less money these clubs rake in night after night). Because this information is now available to the public, I am what can only be considered a MARKED MAN. For this reason, I do not know how long I will be able to keep this information available. WARNING: Have you ever heard of a guy who’s able to walk into any Strip Club in the world, instantly be treated like a VIP, and leave the club with its hottest dancers for nights of wild, unbridled sex… WITHOUT spending a dime? I have. I used to do it all the time. But when I put this knowledge into a book to share my tried-and-true techniques with the masses, something I never expected happened. This product of mine has garnered MUCH more attention than I have ever wanted from the strip club community, and I now have more people pissed off at me than Hitler. So, I’ll make this quick and simple: If you want to know these secrets, you’re going to have to act FAST. I want to keep from getting banned from every strip club in the nation, so I do not know how much longer I can make this information available. Here’s What Happened… So I’m at this awesome little strip club in LA. I’m doing the normal deal, checking out these smoking hot strippers, sipping on a drink, and knowing there is NO way in life I’m getting laid tonight. You know the deal… While sitting at the bar, my eye catches this pasty-white, skinny dork with girls hanging on him like Shatner at a Star Trek convention. Seriously, this guy was pulling THE hottest strippers I had EVER seen at this club. So of course I figured this was some Rich Kid whose daddy’s had deep pockets… …feeding the girls 100 dollar bills like they’re pennies. So I sat and watched… and watched… and watched. And guess what? This cat never gave them a freakin’ dime. I still had doubt though. Was this some celebrity I didn’t know? There was definitely SOMETHING going on… everyone in the strip club knew this guy was calling the shots. The strippers were ALL OVER HIM. Rubbing their tits on his face, licking his neck, basically begging him to take them home and wear them out like the pair of socks on your feet. What the HELL is going on? I’m twice as good looking as this dude (which isn’t saying much AT ALL), wearing a $5000 watch, and he’s pulling more ass in one night than I have in MONTHS. Hello, My Name Is Joseph Matthews, And I Am A Stripper Banging Addict… There’s nothing I love more than kicking back in a strip club and blowing off some steam. Good music, hot girls, and a nice alcoholic beverage never hurt anyone in my book. And let’s face it, there are some DAMN fine looking women at these clubs. But for the life of me, I could never score with any of them! Occasionally, I’d get a number, but they always turned out to be disconnected (or they never existed in the first place). One time I got a stripper to meet me for lunch, but it turns out she was just trying to get some money out of me – I guess the rent was due. I was almost to the point of believing there was no way to score in a strip club. So I was totally shocked when I met this guy. This complete dork of a guy was breaking these girls in like it was his freakin’ job. I finally had enough and had to pull him off to the side. What I learned next almost put me in tears… This genius kid revealed 2 small explosive secrets that left me completely bewildered. (You won’t BELIEVE what he told me). In 5 minutes, this guy gave me a wealth of knowledge that changed my world. What I learned from him in that quick conversation was more important than my life long lessons of trial and error with women. This guy was for real… I immediately begged for more information but he stayed silent like a ghost town. But using these two tiny tips, I ended up taking home the headlining stripper of the night (Man… talk about a FREAKY night… this girl was banging hot). If that wasn’t good enough, she wanted to see me after our “nasty date” (That’s what she called it… We ended up seeing each other for months). It was like heroin… I was hopelessly addicted. I thought I had found the “Ark” with these two small secrets, and was hitting up strip clubs like a crackhead looking for a fix. Looking back, I had absolutely NO idea the power this crazy monster possessed. The “Freakiest” Night Of My Life… I treasured the “two tips” like they were an old family heirloom ranging back from 12 generations. I never told a soul about them, and vowed to not let this coveted information leak into normal society. This pasty white “Stripper Banging” master was VERY serious about this. Luckily I saw him multiple nights at different strip clubs and he recognized me from our impromptu meeting. Slowly we became “acquaintances” and he would slip a little more knowledge here and there… Then He Dropped The Freakin’ Hammer One night, he let it all out. I mean EVERY PIECE of nasty covert information that he had dreamed up in his genius sick head. He showered me with information SO convincing, SO devastating, and SO evil… that I LITERALLY lost it. I turned around and started to head out the door, my brain could not handle the insane overflow of information this guy just unloaded on me. But before I left, he gave me a book… As I walked into my house, I pulled out the book and started flipping through it. At the time, I had no idea what he had given me. But now it was VERY apparent. I had, in my hands, the most amazing “How To” guide the world has NEVER seen. This was his scribes, his bible… This was “The Stripper Master’s” brain on paper. What This Means To YOU You would not believe how hard it was to build trust with a guy like this, but after months of hard work… it paid off. Luckily for you, I’ve become very close friends with The Operator. Here’s what I mean: I finally talked “The Operator” into exposing his book to the public, for a VERY short time. He is obviously a VERY secretive man who doesn’t want this information available to everyone in the world. It was insanely difficult to talk him into sharing this information AT ALL. I explained to him that there are other “stripperheads” out there who have been looking for this information for years, and luckily, he agreed to release this information for a VERY short time. That is why I don’t guarantee you will be able to get this book after Saturday, April 7, 2012 . The bottom line is this: You Will Be Banging More Strippers Than Charlie Sheen. Seriously, After reading just a couple pages from this rare book, the hottest girls you’ve ever seen will be dying for your attention. This is stripper seduction boot camp. You will not believe the overwhelming power and popularity you’ll achieve with this crypt of underground knowledge. But only if you take advantage of this opportunity today. The reason this won’t last long is I’ll probably be forced to take this book off the market. I am basically banned from the Strip Club industry as they have made a HUGE stink about this. In fact, the only way “The Stripper Master” agreed to let me bring this knowledge to you is if I: 1. Paid him a small fortune (which I did, but it’s already come back to me in spades). 2. Promised to NEVER reveal his true identity. (His name has been changed to protect the innocent) 3. Only disclose this information to a VERY small, select few individuals. Unfortunately, these “select few individuals” are piling up quicker than I thought humanly possible… You’ve got 2 choices: One, you be the average loser strip club customer blowing all your cash while these girls are laughing at you. Two, next time you walk into a strip club you will walk out with money in your wallet and the finest piece of ass you’ve ever seen (regardless of what YOU look like) But There’s A Catch: This Has To Stop With You! Please, whatever you do …DO NOT share these techniques with anyone. What you’re about to get is the same as having nuclear weapons: ULTIMATE POWER. With these underground stripper strategies, you’ll be capable of hooking up with ANY exotic dancer in ANY club. It doesn’t matter if they trust you. It doesn’t matter if they like you. As long as they can see or hear you, you can use these magic tactics to make them fall for you. Think of the brain as a computer. Like a computer, you can hack into these goddess girl’s brains and ‘reprogram’ them. With this information, you will have the hottest girls in the world completely falling for you. In the wrong hands, this stuff is like dynamite. Here’s What You’re Getting… You’re obviously getting the most amazing book you’ll ever read. This is the SAME EXACT information “The Stripper Master” gave me that freaky night at the strip club. This book has EVERY SINGLE underground tactic that has gotten me laid hundreds of times (by the hottest dancers you can possibly imagine). Hands down, this is the Owner’s Manual for banging strippers, and honestly you can use this information to hook up with any girl in the world without having to pay for it. Don’t be a chump… The sad truth is that most men are ignorant about the world of Strippers, so they go on making the same mistakes over and over again, spending tons of money and never getting anything in return. This is just a VERY SMALL taste of what you’ll find in this underground book:
Here’s The Full Breakdown Of The Course…Want to know everything you’re getting in the Stripper Secrets course? Well, here it is… The Stripper Secrets ManualIn this 111 page manual, you will learn all of the best strategies for meeting, dating, and seducing strippers. This book contains so much killer “insider information,” actual owners of strip clubs have warned me not to sell it! In this manual, you’ll learn all the tricks of the stripper trade, and how to avoid them so you get more sex and spend no money! The “Payroll The Pimp” InterviewIn this 45 minute interview, I was grilled by the infamous pimp Payroll – who is himself an attmitted expert on banging strippers. He was so impressed that a “white boy” could know all the secrets to banging strippers, he wanted to see if I was the real deal. During the course of the interview, you’ll hear Payroll and I discuss all of the best strategies for seducing strippers. Trust me, you won’t find this information anywhere else! BONUS: The “Dark Arts Collection”For a limited time only, I’ll be including what I call the “Dark Arts” collection. This is a collection of ebooks that will teach you some incredibly powerful mind control and hypnosis techniques that are INCREDIBLY effective on sexually adventurous women, like strippers. But because these techniques are so powerful, and can be easily misused, I may have to stop offering them. So if you want to learn the “Dark Secrets” of these mind control techniques, you have to get your own copy of Stripper Secrets before Saturday, April 7, 2012! The Dark Arts Collection includes…
And don’t forget – this course is available for IMMEDIATE download, so you can start learning these secrets right away. Also, I set the system up so you it will just show “clickbank” on your credit card. Don’t worry, this is TOTALLY discreet and confidential. You could be downloading this book in just minutes, learn the basics, and banging a hot stripper tonight… |
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