Josh Hudson – Dopamine Discipline (Quit Porn Mastery)
Dopamine Discipline is an exclusive program designed to help you quit porn in under 7 days without fighting your urges and never going back to it again. Twice a week you will join other men going through the same journey as you to quit for good. These are led by Josh and other expert licensed therapists. You can join the brotherhood of other men to share experiences, insight, obstacles and any other question you have about your journey. There are six weeks all designed to help you get rid of your urges, quit for good and become the man you are meant to be. Each module of the six week course has simple action exercises to guide you every step along the way.
“Joshua Hudson is not just another YouTube coach. He’s a licensed therapist with a keen understanding of human psychology.”
DAVID TIAN · Aura Dating
“You need to learn what Josh Hudson is teaching. He is a preeminent expert in psychology and understands what makes men change.”
ELLIOT HULSE · Strength Camp
“Josh is a great resource for men who want to improve their dating lives, self esteem, and get the kinds of girls they really want.”
“Josh is a man of integrity and is the real deal. I always preach being true to who you are and that’s what Josh is. His information is great and I fully endorse his work.”
TRIPP KARMER · Tripp Advice
Dopamine Discipline (Quit Porn Mastery) By Josh Hudson, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)
- Introduction
- Before You Start
- Relapse SOS – Watch This When You Have An Urge
- WEEK 1 Fast Start & Mindset
- WEEK 2 Understanding the Cause
- WEEK 3 Undoing the Effects of Porn
- WEEK 4 Reconstructing Yourself
- WEEK 5 Sexual Transmutation
- WEEK 6 Whats Next
- Relapse Recovery Series
- Group Q and A calls
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