Julie & Cathy Funnel Gorgeous – Marketer’s Heart 2023 Recordings
Most transformational moments in a person’s life happen right after an event.
Find your people.
Maybe it’s a vacation, a soul-searching trip, a conference, retreat, hell, even a workshop…
There is no denying that there is something about a dedicated intentional block of time you give to the universe that changes you.
Do business.
Our entire $10m plus business and journey exists… because of an event.
We know that the world is changing rapidly. That business owners (MORE THAN EVER) need support, ideas, and help to continue to grow in these unprecedented times.
Because of this, we’ve done everything we can to bring you an event that is relevant, actionable, and transformative.
Learn from industry leaders.
We are preparing to create two simultaneous experiences:
An intimate in person experience (we have a handful of tickets left – less than 30)…
And a virtual at home experience with a professional team ready to bring the conference into your living room.
Before we share the speaker lineup, we wanted to do something we’ve never done before… give you a closer look at what we’ll be teaching at the conference.
It’s so much on our minds right now, trying to provide our community of entrepreneurs with the right message for the right time… to help make 2023 your most profitable, stable year yet.
The 2023 Keynote sessions
Main Session Talk #1
The day after returning from Marketer’s Heart 2022, Julie asked her husband for a divorce. Not only was it a tumultuous year personally, but pretty much everything that could go wrong, did. From shrinking profitability in the business, armies of haters, personal upheaval, Julie is going to share what she would have told herself on that last day last year… and bring humor, clarity, and hope to those who might be facing tough times.
Main Session Talk #2
As with ANYTHING in marketing, the new tactic gets old as soon as everyone uses it. So innovation alongside existing solid evergreen marketing principles is the best way to keep conversions up, especially on offers you’ve launched awhile. Julie and Cathy are going to take you inside 8 new ideas for sales pages, and break down the sales psychology (in both the design and copy) to explain why it works. You’ll walk away with actionable steps to modify your sales pages right away!
Main Session Talk #3
The dream of passive income is exactly that…a dream. And we all know it. But it doesn’t mean that we should feel like we’re in a pressure cooker of hustle all the damn time. How do we go from a place of intense grinding, to feeling that we can take our foot off the gas slightly and not have everything fall apart? Julie + Cathy will dive into the principles to deploy if you want to create a business that doesn’t chew you up and spit you out.
Main Session Talk #4
Are we in a recession or not? Are high ticket offers dead or not? Do ads work or not? Prepare for 2023 with a tactical and strategic talk on how to position yourself and your offers for the upcoming year. Most people do one of two things wrong: They either pivot too often and scramble to try new things, or they stay stuck in the “well this worked last year!” and watch as the industry speeds ahead. Avoid both traps and make solid strategic decisions.
Sale page: https://www.marketersheart.com/
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/cNBiY
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