Justin Goff – How to Build and Grow a Highly Profitable Email List Full of People With Money
How to Build and Grow a Highly Profitable Email List Full of “People With Money”
The Ultimate List Building Method Proven to Repel Time-Wasting Tire Kickers (who never buy anything) and Stack Your List With Commited Prospects Eager to Open Their Wallets and Buy From You
- How to acquire an 8,000-10,000 person email list for FREE in the next two weeks (yes, I said free)
- The #1 traffic source that puts “people with money” onto your email list (this traffic source beats out Youtube, Facebook and Instagram when it comes to high-value leads)
- The 12 MOST profitable niches to start your list in (and the 3 niches you should AVOID at all costs)
- The simple magazine “trick” that more or less guarantees you’re onto a winning niche (and how to make sure your chosen niche is still ‘relevant’ 5 or 10 years from now)
- How to start a list (and instantly profit) even if you’re not an expert and even if nobody knows who you are
- How to structure your offer to break-even (or better) on ‘Day Zero’ so you can buy up all of the traffic you can handle
- Advanced list building tactics that are bringing in 5000+ leads a day for “big dogs” like Mike Geary, Joel Marion and Russell Brunson
- Which lead magnets work best for attracting “people with money” (and which ones you should AVOID)
- The 60-second test that tells you if your lead magnet will convert BEFORE you even create it
- How I turned a massive radio station into my #1 affiliate that sent me 100-120 high-value buyers a day (believe it or not, these “radio buyers” spent 30-40% MORE on average than a Facebook buyer)
- Lead magnets that are kicking ass right now in over 16 different niches, including health and fitness, making money, guitar, retirement, dating and survival
- How you can use “list splintering” to double the value of every lead you put on your list (list splintering is used by all the big emailers like Paleohacks, Garage Warrior and more)
- How to legally “hijack” your competitor’s thank you page and filter their best buyers onto YOUR list (this is super ninja and 100% legal)
- What tech you need to run an email list (both beginner friendly and advanced)
- Plus much, much more.
Sale page: https://www.justingoff.com/big-money-from-small-lists-heres-how/
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/cNBiY
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