Kenneth Johnston – 9 Steps To Save Your Marriage For The Husband
You’re in the right place if you are a wife whose husband’s indiscretion has threatened your marriage. We’re the people who help save marriages and avoid divorce. Your husband came to us because he wants to save his marriage.
Why This Module?
We wrote this for wives because we found it’s critical that you clearly understand what your husband has said to you and exactly what he means. This is a deeply troubling time for you and your husband. Feelings are strong. Your thoughts race. Self-talk can come in torrents. It’s sometimes difficult to get things across to each other. So in this module we’ll deal with these things:
1. What is your husband saying to you?
2. What will he learn from our course?
3. How will he be different — if you forgive him — and resume your marriage?
4. How divorce will affect your life if you choose not to forgive.
5. A few thoughts on the benefits of forgiveness.
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