Matt Giaro – 10 Minute Emails
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
If you’d like to know how to write engaging & profitable emails in just 10 minutes using AI, then this page will show you how.
Can You Relate?
You don’t know how to write engaging emails that will ethically make money (without being a jerk)
You know that ‘money’s in the list‘, but you don’t really know how to write enough emails and stay consistent with it.
You have the feeling that writing emails takes too much time and procrastinate on writing them… and would like to have a process that could help you write emails in 10 minutes (or less)
If the answer is “yes” to any of the above,
read this page carefully.
Is This Crucial Email Mistake Costing You a Few Thousand Dollars in Lost Profits Each Month?
Many creators are building email lists…
But few are mailing it regularly.
Others haven’t started their email list…
Because they don’t think they have the time to write engaging and profitable emails consistently.
Both are a mistake.
If you have no list, you’re missing a massive ROI that would make social media influencers boil in envy.
Because it’s a stone-cold fact…
Emails make 6 times more money than social media:
But does that mean that everyone who’s using email makes money?
Absolutely not.
Because let me tell you the embarrassing story of…
How I Unburied Several Thousands Of Dollars Of A Dead Email List
I started my first online business in 2012.
One of the first pieces of advice I heard was: “Build your list!”
So, I blindly followed the advice.
I was excited and added opt-in forms all over my websites. A few subscribers came in here and there…
And I thought it was just about:
- Building a group of fans
- Sharing cool info
- & making $$$
But, boy, things didn’t go as planned.
I remember sitting at my desk in my bedroom, staring at my computer late at night.
Writing emails was tougher than I thought.
I was totally lost between all the different newsletter formats to pick.
I was a slow and bad writer.
And on top of that, I wanted them to be perfect.
The reason? I was scared.
Scared of people unsubscribing.
I would spend hours writing an email, pouring my heart and soul into:
- Researching
- Looking for great images
- Proofreading the email 10 times
- Loading the email into my autoresponder and hit “send”
…Only to see people ignoring my emails or unsubscribing.
Turns out, my emails were boring.
It’s like they were punching me in the stomach saying: “Hey, your emails suck.”
I felt miserable and it was like Gollum would look into my eyes and whisper:
That hurt my fragile ego.
So, what did I do?
I started sending emails less often. I went from weekly to monthly.
I thought, “If I send fewer emails, fewer people will get annoyed and leave.”
And I procrastinated even more, since I only had ONE chance to make a sale and deliver value.
But this plan totally backfired.
When I did send an email, hardly anyone seemed to care.
People forgot about me.
Few people opened them, and even fewer clicked on anything. Not to mention the sales that never came in.
And like a cherry on top of the cake: People massively unsubscribed, and flagged my emails as spam.
Was this the magic marketing channel all marketers were talking about?
That was a wake-up call.
My email plan wasn’t just not working; it was making things worse.
During that time, I’d lie awake at night, wondering what I was doing wrong. My heart felt heavy, because my emails were failing.
But then, something clicked in my head.
I realized being so scared of losing subscribers was why I lost their interest and trust.
I went from emailing monthly to weekly… and from weekly to daily.
This time my emails were fun and friendly, like talking to a good friend. I shared stories and tips, making each email like a little peek into my world.
Guess what?
People began to pay attention again. They opened my emails, recognized my name, clicked on links, and even replied. The next time I sold something, it was like a party!
People spent their cold hard cash on my offers!
The exact number of emails you need to make money
You’re probably familiar with the often quoted rule which states a prospect needs to see your message at least 7 times to make a sale.
Turns out, that was true 15 years ago.
Today, the average person is bombarded with advertising.
Recent research shows that you might need from 20 to 500 touchpoints to make a sale!
If you only email once a week, that means it could take you 20 to 500 weeks to make the sale…and that’s if the prospect doesn’t forget about you or unsubscribe in that time!
The solution…
Send emails more frequently. Ideally, daily, or at least several times per week.
Because when you’re not emailing your list, you’re sending two strong negative messages to your audience:
- I don’t have anything to say
- I forgot about you
Remember this…
People can only buy when you’re at the forefront of their minds (& inboxes).
How to make your emails stand out like a Nun in Vegas
Now you might be thinking: Okay Matt, that makes sense.
But how can you stand out in a world where EVERYBODY is sending emails?
There’s a simple answer to that:
- Make your emails personal
- Send emails more frequently
The more emails you send, the more chances you have to get noticed.
And the more you get noticed, the more sales you’re going to make.
You only need enough ideas, and interesting content.
I can show you a better way to accomplish both goals.
But before showing you how, you might be thinking…
Will Email Providers HATE You If You Start Sending More Emails?
The answer is no.
I email daily. And Gmail awards me a high 5 on my email domain reputation:
Email providers like Gmail or Outlook don’t hate people who mail often. Instead, they hate people who spam their list…
And you’re in the danger zone if your subscribers aren’t actively opening, clicking, and replying to your messages.
You need to send frequent emails that engage your audience:
- they open
- they read
- they reply
- they click
- they buy
That’s it.
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