Matt Giovanisci – The Perfect Post Workshop
Do you know how much a blog post is worth to you? Because after 15 years of blogging, I didn’t know either.
I just blindly wrote as many blog posts as possible. I thought more was better. I was literally writing 4-5 shitty blog posts a day. It’s what I was taught by several blogging “experts.”
Turns out, I didn’t get traffic or money. I just burned the fuck out.
Then, I thought hiring writers to crank out a ton of content was the right move. Gotta spend money to make money, right?!
Again, I didn’t get more traffic or earn more money. I just ran out of money.
More is NOT Always Better!
More is just harder and time-consuming. And it’s unsustainable.
You can write your ass off and spend all the money you have. But if you don’t know how to craft the perfect post, you’re just spinning wheels.
Trust me. Been there, done that.
So instead of writing another shitty blog post, I wanted to find out how much each blog post earned. And when I got my answer, it was a tough pill to swallow.
Most of my blog posts weren’t making any money. Like zero dollars.
Visitors didn’t click my affiliate links, subscribe to my email list, or buy my products.
This forced me to change my entire blogging strategy. Instead of writing a shitload of posts hoping something would stick, I would craft a perfect post that was guaranteed to stick.
And when I started optimizing my underperforming posts, my business blew up! More quality traffic and more revenue! Seemingly overnight.
Now, I want to show you how to craft the perfect post. You can apply my techniques to the content you already have. With a few tweaks, you can increase traffic, keep people on your site, and get them to click and buy affiliate (or your own) products.
The Most Important Blog Post Optimization Tips, Distilled.
Every “expert” thinks they have the formula for what it takes to create a blog post. A specific number of words, X amount links per post, where to add the right keywords, etc.
Well…it’s bullshit!
You can’t boil down a post to a handful of metrics to help you rank. You need to understand your reader and design a post that not only grabs their attention but has them holding on for dear life.
A blog post should answer the reader’s questions without them asking. It should read their mind. While offering solutions that’ll solve their problems and make their lives better.
I have a template for creating a post that’ll blow your reader’s mind.
I’m Matt.
I started a website in 2006 called Swim University. The site now makes over $600,000.
I created Money Lab in 2016 so I can build more brands, make more money, and write off my homebrewing hobby. Speaking of which, I started a homebrewing site called Brew Cabin.
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