Sandy Forster – Divine Money Manifesting
Discover ancient spiritual secrets, cutting edge technology and proven practical steps,
so you release your money blocks and manifest the prosperity you desire.
It’s time to break through your blocks and
Create More Abundance and Freedom.
in your business and life!
Maybe you’ve read heaps of books or followed the experts, but are stuck in these same old patterns …
- Your cash flow hasn’t increased to the level you truly want
- You feel inspired… but end up back in the same place wondering “what am I doing wrong”?
- You feel discouraged (or even secretly jealous) when others succeed and wonder ‘why not me?’
- You feel like ‘manifesting and attracting abundance’ works for other women, but not you
- You’re tired of the ‘boom or bust’ cycle and ready for consistent income growth
- You feel if you could just tap into a simple, powerful system, it would all finally come together.
Your Answer is Here …
If you’re anything like the tens of thousands of women I’ve helped who had been trying so hard but hadn’t created the abundance they desired, I want you to know it’s not too late. Creating the prosperity you desire isn’t about being good enough, worthy or capable (although I WILL help you bust those limiting beliefs)…
It’s not about being the perfect person or having the right background…
The simple, powerful processes I teach took me from welfare to millionaire, and now it’s your turn to access these exact secrets, be empowered and create a new level of abundance in your life.
Imagine experiencing that magical moment when your dreams are beginning to manifest!
Others can show you the tools; but I’ll take you MUCH deeper … you’ll discover the science behind quantum energy and experience manifestation in real time, which will inspire and empower you to attract and create even more of your hearts desires.
Hi fellow manifestor… I’m Sandy Forster
I went from welfare to millionaire and want to share my manifesting secrets with you.
I know what it’s like to ‘try everything’ but nothing seems to work.
I’m on a mission to help women around the world discover how to effortlessly attract prosperity and the freedom and choices it creates.
I know what it’s like to want MORE from life, but no idea how to make it happen.
After my husband and I divorced, I became a single mum raising a 6 month old and 3-year-old by myself. I spent so much time, energy and money in my small business trying to make a decent income and create the freedom my soul yearned for.
I was working from home with small children, I had $100,000 of debt and was on welfare!! I was so stressed and no idea where my life was heading
BUT…. it all turned around when I discovered the Law of Attraction, combined it with cutting edge science and created a simple but super effective formula that busted through my money blocks and allowed me to become a marvelous manifestor!
From being a total financial mess (welfare), I’m now blessed to have created a lifestyle of freedom and abundance that I am forever grateful for. I’ve created tens of millions of dollars for myself and my students.
For the past 20 years, I’ve been honored to help women from all over the globe, transform their mindset, multiply their money and help them create a life beyond their wildest dreams!
So if you’re ready to transform your life, I’m here to help you blend the metaphysical with quantum science inside my most powerful program – Divine Money Manifesting – so YOU create your own money miracles, year after year!
Transform Your Future with Divine Money Manifesting…
Imagine …
- Easily paying off your debts AND having excess money to ‘play’ with every month
- Saying goodbye to the feast or famine money cycle and instead having a consistent flow of increasing abundance in your life
- Your experience with money becomes one of ease, joy and lightness
- Your life is more amazing than you’ve imagined… you’re able to manifest the lifestyle and experiences you’ve always desired
- Your business or career is flourishing … in fact you continue to multiply your current income effortlessly
- You have the time and money to do all the things that make your heart sing
- You feel blessed to have attracted opportunities and experiences you once only dreamed of
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