Scott M. Taylor & Charleene Nicely – Journey to Multidimensional Realms Through Bi-Location 2024
Journey to the afterlife with bi-location to connect with friends, pets, and historical figures — and bring back “yes” or “no” answers to your most important questions about your life.
Step into your desired future — for deep fulfillment and profound intuitive insights.
Celebrated shared death experiencer and researcher Dr. Scott M. Taylor shares that a near-death experience (NDE) is a bit like being unexpectedly thrown into the deep end of a pool — if you’re not prepared for it.
The good news is that there are tools you can use to raise your vibration and experience the benefits of having an NDE (without actually having one) — to expand your awareness, feel the deep unconditional love of the universe, and receive personal insights — without any of the shock or fear.
In doing so, you can connect with your guides, loved ones, and even pets in the multidimensional realm and feel the love that’s the source of everything within and around you in every moment.
The multidimensional realm is a vast, interconnected space beyond the confines of our physical reality, where various frequencies, vibrations, and nonphysical beings coexist, accessible through heightened states of awareness and spiritual practices.
You can use both your physical senses and nonphysical modes of communication while there, allowing for deep interactions with nonphysical entities, guides, and the essence of universal love itself.
This realm offers you the ability to spend time with departed loved ones, understand your place in the cosmos, and experience profound love and connection, which you can bring back with you to enrich your daily life.
At first, Scott was quite skeptical, like you may be, about the concept of anything that ventured into metaphysical or paranormal territories. However, his perspective took a dramatic turn one day in a bustling hospital room.
Four decades ago, a tragic accident claimed the life of Mary Fran, the woman Scott loved. In the aftermath of the accident, Scott spent six days beside Mary Fran’s seven-year-old son Nolan, who had been critically injured in the accident and remained unconscious until his passing.
At the moment of Nolan’s final breath, Scott witnessed an extraordinary event. Mary Fran appeared and tenderly lifted her son from his earthly body. Even more astonishing, Scott could feel the profound connection during this moment of reunification. As Scott shares, “The two of them then turned to me, came over and embraced me, and then the three of us left and went to the light.”
They shared this moment of unconditional love and then bid Scott farewell. Mary Fran and Nolan proceeded into the light, and Scott was drawn back to his physical existence.
This remarkable encounter propelled Scott on a lifelong quest to deepen his understanding of his extraordinary experience with Mary Fran and Nolan.
It became his life’s mission to understand what happened, gathering insights from hundreds of people who had experienced near-death and shared-death experiences so he could help others explore the nonphysical realms beyond the veil.
As an educator, author, and former president of the Monroe Institute — which has the mission to awaken global human consciousness — Scott has spent over three decades teaching about and exploring the nonphysical universe.
His life-altering experience and lifelong studies make him uniquely qualified to provide you with a profound experience of how expanding your awareness and elevating your vibration can help you connect and communicate with your loved ones (and even people you’ve never met but always wanted to) beyond the veil.
Join us for a powerful 7-module video course with Scott and his teaching partner, Dr. Charleene Nicely, where you’ll experience firsthand the multidimensional nature of your soul.
Scott has developed an innovative meditation method that uses binaural beats* audio technology, allowing you to journey to multidimensional realms and experience states often reported by those who have experienced an NDE.
*For an in-depth definition of binaural beats and its uses in meditation, please read this disclaimer.
Binaural beats create an effect where specific sound frequencies can alter your brainwave patterns, facilitating deeper relaxation and heightened focus. These frequencies are the key to unlocking expanded consciousness, connecting you with the spiritual realm inhabited by your ancestors, guides, and nonphysical beings.
Think of binaural beats as training wheels for meditation; they’re not essential, but they make accessing these frequencies much easier. As you become more practiced in visiting and sustaining these nonphysical realms, achieving expanded states of awareness without technological assistance not only becomes possible but is also the goal.
In this deeply enriching course, Scott and Charleene will reveal four different vibratory planes — the Meeting Place, Expanded Awareness, White Light, and Black Light — and teach you many easy-to-apply techniques that can help you safely and joyfully access the “afterlife.”
You’ll be able to take all the profound insights you gain through this experience back with you into your physical reality, helping you experience deep fulfillment and connection in your everyday existence.
During this soul-nourishing course, you’ll:
- Be trained in bi-location, learning how to be fully present in both the physical and nonphysical realms
- Awaken and refine your sensory perception across all 10 modes of communication, blending the familiar with the undiscovered to create powerful heartfelt messages for both seen and unseen beings
- Discover how to use your personal energy field (PEF) for protection, attraction, and communication, turning everyday interactions into opportunities for deep connection
- Practice sending and receiving messages with nonphysical entities, including departed loved ones, enhancing your intuitive skills and spiritual relationships
- Create a personal sanctuary within the White Light and the Black Light, places of infinite potential and profound stillness, for clarity and manifestation
- Visit the Bridge Café, a unique space for interaction with physical and nonphysical friends, utilizing it as a vibrant exchange point for messages and gifts
- Apply your experiences from the Meeting Place and “the Tunnel” (a method of transition from the physical to the nonphysical), using these transitions as gateways for deeper understanding and exploration of multidimensional communication
- Reconnect with the physical world enriched by new insights, ready to recognize and act upon the signs and synchronicities that affirm that your desires are on their path to manifestation
- And much more…
As you explore the 10 modes of communication — 5 physical and 5 nonphysical — you’ll learn how to fine-tune your senses to select the most effective mode for any given spiritual or earthly task.
You’ll also be given practices that can help you harness your personal energy field, connecting you deeply with the vibratory essence of existence…
… and expand your awareness so you can enter the Meeting Place vibratory window, creating an anchor you can easily return to so you can connect with your guides.
You’ll board the metaphysical tour bus to embark on an exciting journey into the realm of the White Light by way of the Tunnel. While there, you can ask for information you couldn’t previously access, and then bring your newfound insights back with you into the physical.
You’ll get to hang out at the Bridge Café, a space for leaving and receiving messages (and gifts!) across dimensions, where you can create meaningful connections with both physical and nonphysical friends and loved ones.
Scott and Charleene will guide you through the process of transforming chaotic vibrations, such as fear or anger, into harmonious frequencies that align with your highest self, fostering peace, clarity, and emotional resilience.
Through these teachings, you’ll learn how to transmute lower vibrations into states that resonate with joy, creativity, and health, enriching every aspect of your being and cultivating a profound sense of interconnectedness and universal love.
And, you’ll see how living in harmony with the nonphysical enhances your physical wellbeing, emotional balance, and mental clarity, allowing you to live a more purposeful and joyful life here and now.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational course, Scott and Charleene will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to profoundly transform your understanding and practice of communication across multiple realms, empowering you to connect deeply with both the physical and nonphysical worlds, harness your personal energy for protection and attraction, and apply advanced spiritual techniques to manifest your intentions and enhance your daily life with greater intuition and purpose.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Scott and Charleene. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to enhance your ability to communicate and connect across both physical and nonphysical realms, leveraging your unique energy and advanced spiritual techniques to manifest intentions, deepen relationships, and significantly enrich your daily life with intuitive insights and meaningful synchronicities.
Module 1: Awaken Your Senses to Access Multidimensional Communication

We are multidimensional beings existing on many planes of existence at once. The question is: How does the universe communicate with you at each level? You’ll learn your communication preferences and begin developing other means of communication you’ve not yet experienced.
You’ll identify and awaken five different modalities the universe uses to convey information that mimic the physical world: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, smell, and taste as you explore the basics of bi-location.
In this session, you’ll:
- Cultivate the skill of achieving a state of deep relaxation while maintaining alertness
- Explore the concept of bi-location, learning how to be in an expanded state of consciousness while remaining fully present in your body
- Master the ability to discern sensory information from a singular source amidst a backdrop of complex environmental stimuli
- Experience the “Meeting Place,” an extraordinary state of profound awareness that serves as a vibratory gateway to higher dimensions
- Engage meaningfully with your guides or spiritual helpers, enhancing your connection and interaction
- Bring what you learn back to the physical realm, becoming more receptive to the abundant sensory information it offers
- Connect with your classmates: Our Facebook page is where additional rich learning takes place. You’ll learn from the successes and techniques of your fellow explorers in this grand adventure.
Module 2: Unlock the Language of the Nonphysical for Deeper Connection

The nonphysical world often communicates with us using intuition, emotion, synesthesia (combinations of senses: e.g., hearing colors or smelling sounds), imagination, and synchronicity.
You’ll explore and learn how to interpret these additional methods of communication used in the nonphysical world. Some may feel familiar and others will be completely new to you! You’ll learn more aspects of bi-location as you enter the Meeting Place vibratory window and work with your guide.
In this session, you’ll:
- Forge a unique connection with your guide by establishing a personal Meeting Place, a sanctuary serving as a reliable point of return, ensuring clarity and ease whenever you seek to reconnect with your guide or immerse yourself in expanded consciousness
- Enhance your skill of bi-location, gaining confidence in your ability to navigate and actively engage in multidimensional experiences
- Learn how to receive and interpret information from beyond the traditional senses, opening your awareness to messages that may have previously gone unnoticed
- Deepen your understanding and experience of the Meeting Place, expanding your vibratory awareness and connectivity
- Reintegrate your learnings into the physical world by recognizing and understanding synchronicities in your daily life, bridging the gap between the seen and unseen
Module 3: Empower & Protect Your Personal Energy Field (PEF) to Communicate With Guides & Other Nonphysical Beings

We are all a part of the universal energy flow, but we also have our own personal and unique energy signature or PEF. In this module, you’ll learn to intentionally focus and direct your personal energy field.
You can use your PEF, which is present in both the physical and nonphysical planes, to protect you, attract experiences, blend with others, and convey information. You’ll generate, explore, and use it to communicate with your guides and others in the nonphysical realms.
In this session, you’ll:
- Activate an awareness of your personal energy field through guided exercises, enhanced by the supportive frequencies of binaural beats
- Discover techniques for amplifying and refining the vibrational quality of your personal energy field, infusing it with desired attributes using elements like color, light, and sound in a playful exploration
- Master the control and projection of your personal energy field, learning to navigate and influence both your immediate surroundings and the broader energetic planes
- Uncover 3 practical applications for utilizing your PEF within both the physical and nonphysical realms
- Explore more of the richness of the vibratory window of the Meeting Place
- Observe and understand the tangible impact of your personal energy field on pets, children, and others in your environment, grounding your spiritual practice in the physical world
Module 4: Craft Heartfelt Messages to Strengthen Relationships Using Multidimensional Communication Skills

Communication is all about relationships, it’s about connecting clearly and in a manner easily understood by the other person. In this module, you’ll learn how to effectively take what you desire to communicate to others and craft a powerful symbolic, heartfelt message.
You’ll use your 10 modes of perception (5 physical and 5 nonphysical senses) to create messages that are more easily recognized and responded to. You’ll also meet your guide and practice sending messages back and forth, using these principles to enhance communication in your physical relationships.
In this session, you’ll:
- Unlock the potential of intention and explore its myriad applications in both the physical and spiritual realms
- Master the art of leveraging all 10 modes of communication — merging the physical with the spiritual — to amplify the clarity and impact of your intentions
- Design and dispatch powerful, symbolic messages to your spiritual guide or other nonphysical entities, discovering 4 dynamic methods to ensure your intentions are received and understood
- Deepen your engagement and familiarity with the Meeting Place, a vibrant creative zone, enhancing your ability to navigate and use this space for meaningful spiritual communication
- Apply these profound communication strategies in the physical world: observe and refine how you convey intentions to those around you, and witness the intuitive connections that unfold as a result
Module 5: Elevate Your Vibration to Board the Metaphysical Tour Bus & Connect with Departed Loved Ones

You’ll enter the White Light, using the Tunnel as a mode of transition, encountered by near-death experiencers. As you enter this Light, you’ll raise your vibratory level and ask your departed friends, relatives, and pets to slow their vibratory speeds so that you can meet and communicate with them more easily.
In this session, you’ll:
- Board the metaphysical tour bus for an enlightening excursion through the vibratory essence of the White Light
- Employ a synergistic array of your 10 communication techniques, casting your intentions across the veil to connect with departed loved ones and pets eager for interaction
- Extend your communications to spiritual entities you’ve never encountered in your earthly journey, forging new connections in the nonphysical realm
- Establish a personal haven within this space, creating a spiritual anchor point you can access at will for comfort, guidance, and reflection
- Reconnect with the physical realm armed with newfound insights and knowledge, inaccessible by conventional means, to significantly enhance your intuitive abilities in your everyday life
Module 6: Enjoy the Company of Physical & Nonphysical Friends at the Bridge Café

The Bridge Café is a place where meeting and interacting with nonphysical beings can easily occur. You can also leave and receive messages and exchange gifts with others here, including your friends still in the physical world!
Since many use this gathering spot, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with those you don’t know in this physical lifetime. Perhaps you want to meet a relative, or a person in history you’ve always admired. You’ll also explore more of the Tunnel as a means of transition between the physical and nonphysical realms.
In this session, you’ll:
- Join a communal gathering at the threshold of the physical and nonphysical realms
- Use the Tunnel as your pathway of transit, seamlessly navigating between the Meeting Place and the luminous realm of the White Light
- Choose a spot, get comfortable, and extend invitations to your nonphysical and physical friends, and enjoy enriching conversations, embracing the company of both familiar and new faces
- Exchange messages with classmates, experiencing the joy of giving and receiving in this multidimensional café setting
- Refine your mastery of the 10 modes of communication within the context of the White Light’s vibratory expanse
- Reapply these experiences to the physical world, leaving messages for others at the conceptual Bridge Café, bridging worlds through the power of communication
Module 7: Consistently Manifest Your Intentions Using the Power of Bi-Location & Black Light

In this final module, you’ll reflect all you’ve experienced in this course. Then, you’ll use your new skills and insights to make your daily physical life more fulfilling. You’ll practice active bi-location, learning how to take what you’ve learned and express it in the physical. This skill is a practical, everyday skill that’s helpful for aligning your physical life with the original intention you created upon entering the physical.
You’ll use the generative aspect of the Black Light for this experience. NDErs describe the Black Light as no-thing and all potential. It’s a quiet space in which you can clarify what you want for your life and then explore how your intention can impact different aspects of your Earth life. As you return to the physical plane, you may have additional insights about how to apply your new skills.
In this session, you’ll:
- Engage in hands-on practice of active, intentional bi-location, practicing the art of existing simultaneously across different realms
- Journey through the Tunnel, transitioning seamlessly into the expanse of the Black Light, a domain where nothing and everything coexist
- Gain clarity on your life’s direction and purpose as you immerse yourself in the Black Light
- Harness the combined power of the 10 modes of communication to vividly envision and step into the future you yearn for
- Establish a personal anchor within the Black Light, so you can access this state of profound manifestation whenever you choose
- Reintegrate with the physical realm, attuned to the signs and synchronicities that indicate your desires are not just being acknowledged but actively manifested
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