Soul – Celinne Da Costa – Business
Today, there are more online businesses than ever. That means more and more people are sharing their gifts and services online, and the competition for eyeballs and attention has never been higher.
How do you stand out from the noise?
My journey as an online business owner began back in 2017. Just like with any business, it wasn’t always smooth sailing. But ultimately, it wasn’t the latest and greatest marketing strategy, trend, or tactic that put my business in the position that it is in today, where I’m able to serve hundreds of clients, operate from some of the most beautiful places in the world, take three months off per year, and generate millions with my brand.
Instead, very early in my entrepreneurial journey, my intuition told me to not look for answers externally, but instead, create a rock-solid internal foundation to grow and scale my business from.
And it just makes sense: If you approach your business from lack, thinking you need some “magic” external tactic or strategy because you’re not enough as you are right now, then your business will reflect that; it will be lacking and never be enough to fulfill you.
But when you become a soul-aligned, heart-centered, and prosperous CEO internally, everything you build externally will also be soul-aligned, heart-centered, and prosperous. That’s what I want for you.
Consider this: instead of wasting time, resources, and money trying out the newest trends, hottest marketing strategies, and whatever else the person you perceive as being “more successful” is doing…
That is what I want to help you build and achieve in my program, Business by Soul™.
Business by Soul™ is not some course to hack your way into fast success (or rather, a cookie-cutter version of “success” that is sold for the masses, but will never actually satiate you since it’s not unique to your soul blueprint).
Instead, Business by Soul™ will help you become a soul-aligned CEO who is creating a business that is not only profitable, but joyful, and in complete alignment with your highest purpose and destiny while being in service to the collective good.
Once you create this, you become so unique in the market that your ideal clients will be seeking YOU out because they will intuitively feel who you are, what you stand for, and what you can do for them.
I can’t wait to help you build your business by Soul.
This is for you if…
You’ve been feeling disillusioned about current condition of industry, wondering if you’re crazy for thinking that there is another way of doing things and still succeeding…
You’re fed up with following yet another course by yet another guru, showing you a step-by-step system that works for them but not for you.
You’re ready to level up your business and design your life YOUR way, from your own inner wisdom and core guiding values.
You want to learn how to fend for yourself and BECOME the version of you who knows what to do, instead of being co-dependent on experts to tell you what to do.
You’re ready to liberate yourself from old paradigms of marketing that so many of us have been brainwashed with, and become the CEO of the business who’s product is so good, it doesn’t need to trick people to buy.
You want to stand out in the market, earn abundantly, and effortlessly attract your best clients because you are being your best self – no faking, no pretending…. Just embodying the pure magnetism of authenticity, something that the world really needs right now (and is happy to pay for).
You are self-led, self-driven and are here to create what you want – there is a difference between explaining a system to a marathon runner who’s ready to run the race and a couch potato thinking about winning the race. You are the runner.
This is NOT for you if…
“More money” is your primary driver for growing your business – this is for people who are impact-driven and crazy enough to think they can change the world (the money, by the way, WILL come).
You’re not ready to step out of the matrix brainwashing that’s turned the sacredness of business and being in service into a being another cog in a machine – all good, I’ll be here when you are 🙂
You don’t care about people and genuinely being of service with your offers – this is for those who are doing this work to better themselves, raise collective consciousness, and contribute to the planet.
You still need to learn the basics of running a business and/or never landed a client before – this program is geared towards individuals who already have a handle on the basics of running a business and have started generating income to support themselves. The curriculum will not cover basic business setup or client acquisition for those who are just starting.
You’re looking for yet another step-by-step system and to be spoon fed all the answers – while I’ll be providing you with frameworks and practices to model, this is ultimately your souls journey and I am here to serve as a guide not a drill Sargent. The answers you find in this program will be uniquely YOU.
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