Spencer Haws – Authority Machine: The Ultimate Niche Site Creation
Price : $997
Just pay : $92
Sale Page: http://authoritymachine.com/
Become an Intern and Learn Our Proven System for Building Profitable Websites…
Want to See What a Site Making $10,000 a Month Looks Like?
The Authority Machine Internship is a way for you to get a “behind the scenes” look into a successful online business making over $10,000 a month. That’s right, once you are accepted not only will you get to see our website currently making over $10,000 a month, but you will get to work on that site and see our exact plan for growing it.
As an intern, you will be helping us add content and grow this website right alongside several other interns.
You will also learn our internal techniques and procedures for doing keyword research, writing valuable articles, and other content strategies.
You will apply what you learn and do in-depth keyword research, on-page optimization, and be responsible for 10 articles of content (about 9k words) in a 4 week period. You will be given clear templates to either write this content yourself or spec out this content for other writers.
We hope to start the internship on July 20th, 2016.
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