Stone River Elearning – Fundamentals of React and Flux Web Development
This course is designed for developers who know basic HTML and CSS but who want to take their skills to the next level by building data-driven web apps – the kind of apps that can be used for products or ups and the type of apps that can interact with servers.
The course is also for developers of any level who want to know and master React and Flux.
Why React?
Why should you learn React js instead of Angular or Backbone or Ember or Meteor? One reason is because React is incredibly minimalistic. It focuses on reusable view components. Never have to copy and paste code again with React. Then take the Reflux design architecture and mix it with React js and you have a full-stack front-end solution that is very lightweight. Frameworks like Angular do a LOT of things, are very heavyweight, and have steep learning curves. Why use a framework that gives you stuff you don’t need in every project?
React was created by Facebook, designed incredibly well, and makes fantastic data-driven websites. React Flux is a powerful combination.
You are going to learn a lot in this course. Here are some of the topics we cover:
- React Components and component nesting
- React Component user interaction with states
- React Component data management with props
- Robust architectures with Flux and Reflux
- Building simple Node & Express servers
- Making HTTP requests and managing data in React
- In-line React styling with Javascript
- Parsing and managing JSON in React
- Single page applications with React Router
- Javascript overview
- Professional development practices and tips
Who is the target audience?
- If you know basic HTML, CSS, and Javascript then this React course is for you
- If you are an advanced developer but don’t know Javascript you will get by just fine in this React course
- If you have no HTML or CSS experience you should learn those first before taking this React course
- If you want to move away from jQuery then take this React course
Course Curriculum
- Introduction to the Course (1:29)
- Javascript Resources (React pre-requisite) (4:05)
- Installing NodeJs (React pre-requisite) (7:33)
- Javascript Strings (React pre-requisite) (9:40)
- Javascript Conditionals (React pre-requisite) (6:09)
- Javascript Numbers (React pre-requisite) (7:37)
- Javascript Loops & Arrays (React pre-requisite) (5:32)
- Javascript Objects (React pre-requisite) (14:11)
- Javascript Bind (React pre-requisite) (8:11)
- NPM readline-sync (React pre-requisite) (5:22)
- Set up Atom IDE for React development (3:03)
- Installing NodeJs for React development (3:04)
- Node basics & npm for React development (9:02)
- Node module exports (5:39)
- React tooling overview (7:45)
- Building a React skeleton app with Watchify, Babelify, & Node (32:58)
- Design react components (8:08)
- Your first React application – Ingredients (37:46)
- Bootstrap overview (10:43)
- Bootstrap Grid System (23:04)
- React App- Ingredients – CSS & React Inline Styling Part 1 (19:46)
- React App- Ingredients – CSS & React Inline Styling Part 2 (11:07)
- Using React without NPM (9:09)
- How react works & thinking in React (8:55)
- React Chrome developer tools (8:16)
- Event system in React (4:03)
- Multiple pages with React Router (22:48)
- React Router Hash (6:47)
- Problems mixing React and other frameworks (like Angular ) (9:00)
- Comments in JSX & React (3:18)
- Forms in React (28:20)
- Forms in React Part 2 – Working with refs (19:45)
- Setting up a simple Node & Express test server for React (9:12)
- How web requests work (17:39)
- Using Postman to test APIs (6:09)
- Javascript Bind (8:12)
- HTTP Requests with Fetch (24:20)
- Understanding React Flux (25:06)
- A better way with React Reflux (5:47)
- React & Reflux – Actions & Stores (20:55)
- React & Reflux- Stores, Listeners & Triggers (15:17)
- React & Reflux- Modifying data (18:50)
- Setting up the React project (5:24)
- Building a reuseable navigation bar with React (38:01)
- Creating a link hover effect on the navigation bar with State (11:43)
- React Router, route params, getting updated props (32:57)
- React Lead capture form with dynamic UI (17:41)
- Flux, Reflux, and connecting the lead capture form in React (22:42)
- Create a NodeJS Calculator
- Country News
- Your own module
- Weather App API With React
- Your own skeleton app
- Simple React calculator
- React Student Solution
- React Pokedex Exercise
- Create a NodeJS Calculator
- Components, panels, and the grid
- Exercise_ React project skeleton from memory with Node
- Important notes about React
- React Basics
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