Well, let me give you a few compelling reasons why you absolutely have to learn this lesson of claiming and owning your power:
Claiming your power is the first lesson on the Spiritual path. Learn to own your personal power, and you will learn every other lesson in life. Don’t learn this first lesson, and you won’t learn any other lesson either because you need to enforce your will power to create change in your life.
Everyone in the world experiences fear, and in order to transcend the illusionary, separative, fear-based mind, you need to enforce your will power! Said another way: If you don’t learn this lesson of claiming and owning your power, you will life in fear for the rest of your life. Life is way too precious to waste it on fear! You will never experience deep inner peace and happiness unless you learn to own your power. Yet isn’t that exactly what you want? Inner peace and happiness?
All growth and success in life begins with you claiming your personal power! No power, no growth! It’s that simple! The very purpose of life is not just to go through life but to grow through life, so you can’t fulfill the purpose of your life – your dharma, your calling – if you don’t learn to step into your power. And so long as you deny your Soul’s calling, you will be unhappy and unfulfilled. True happiness comes from doing the work you are called to do.
If you don’t learn to own your power, you will not be able to master your mind, your feelings and emotions, your physical body, or transcend any lower self desires, bad habits and addictions which you live out through your body. Said another way: If you don’t learn to claim your power, you will be a victim in life. If you DO learn to own it, you will be a master in life. Which would you rather be: a victim or a master? Run by your bodies or in charge of your bodies?
We will never ever – not in a million trillion years – realize our Divinity unless we learn to claim our power. To deny our power is to deny our Divinity. Our power comes from our Divinity! So our very Self and God Realization depends on all of us claiming our power in service of unconditional love. So sooner or later, we all have to learn this lesson of claiming our power. We can postpone it, but we can’t escape it. It is our destiny. So why postpone the inevitable?
Our job, as a species, is to advance humanity and create Heaven on Earth. Have you ever seen disempowered people advance, grow or create anything other than fear and separation? It takes empowered people to do that – empowered people like YOU!
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