– Trading Blueprint
Trading Blueprint shows the intra-day trading strategy that I use in trading both cryptocurrency and legacy markets in a non-downloadable written guide.
Usually, when you pay for any sort of education, you will get a very basic theory you can find online for free.
Because of that, this is not a Market Profile, Footprint, or Price action course. I explain these concepts for free on my blog.
Although the basics of these tools are explained in the Trading Blueprint, want you will, more importantly, find how I utilize all these tools in my day-to-day trading.
This is not a subscription group or personal mentorship.
My expanded trading strategy guide contains the strategy I use for day trading currencies, indices, bonds, and crypto, covering different price action and orderflow patterns.
This is a one-time purchase.
Trading Blueprint, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)
Part 1: Price Action
- Introduction – is trading worth it?
- Conventional wisdom
- The market as an advertising mechanism
- Market Structure
- Orderflow and Liquidity
- Trading the SFP/Sweeps as the road to disaster
- How I Trade Support and Resistance
- Supply and Demand Imbalances
- Trading the FTR
- Trading the O/U
- Trading the V-shape
- Problem with swing trading
- Other Price Action concepts
Part 2: Auction Market Theory and Orderflow
- Is trading orderflow trading just another marketing catch?
- Trading different markets
- Auction Market Theory
- The 5 Auction Market Theory Rules
- Market Profile
- Volume Profile
- Composite Profiles
- VWAP – glorified moving average?
- Everything Delta
- Footprint Chart
- Trading SFP/Sweeps with Footprint – much less disaster
- Other Price Action setups with Orderflow and Volume confluence
- Tradingriot Suite
- Conclusion of Part 1 and Part 2
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